I thought that would be a catchy title since it is Pride Week- but seriously, have you ever loved your closet so much you didn’t want to leave? Let us show you the way….
We offer custom closets in a variety of materials, styles and price ranges. No matter what your budget or expectation, we can help get you there.

As a starting point we offer full package custom closets in MDF ( medium density fiberboard- not to be confused with particle board) This 3/4″ material is strong and very smooth making it the ideal material for a closet that will be painted to match your home. Sweaters will not snag and it can be finished like a cabinet.

Next Step: This beautiful Alder master closet has adjustable shelving, a built in dresser and a place for a washer and dryer stack!

When you have a custom closet designed and built, you should be going through a tedious process with HOW you store your items. Do you need more hanging space? Maybe you need additional shelves? Special items that need to be behind UV glass? Do you have a ridiculous amount of shoes? That is what this customer said while we were designing her closet-

Next Level: We wanted to fill her space to her liking – so a few of her requests were:
2 locking jewelry drawers – check
Room for 50 pair of shoes – check
3 hampers – check
Open shelving for purses – check
Radius corner for access to panel – check
Lots of drawer space- check

This is the place you can find her on most days – while her husband yells at her to Get Out of the Closet!!

When we got the call to build this custom closet, we were so excited! Firstly, the customers were wonderful when we built their amazing kitchen – always bringing the guys cool treats to motivate and inspire them. Secondly, they wanted some trick features like the two guns safes, a rolling cart for cleaning and reloading and a custom ladder to do double duty as clothes refresher. It turned out really nicely and we really loved the treats that the homeowners showered on us.

This is his special little corner of the closet- he can roll this out and clean guns, reload ammo and roll it away when he is finished. It features a custom veneer finish, dove tail drawers, undermount, soft close glides and a solid maple fold down top.

This final photo is just one of the master closets in this beautiful home- this is ‘His’ so there is no need for full length space. That can all be dedicated to drawers. It was completed with stone counter tops and lit clothes rods. Please contact us with any questions – we are happy to help even if you want to stay in the closet.